ProgressivePainting Coatings


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Self-leveling epoxy flooring- how and where to use it?

Epoxy flooring refers to a resinous flooring that is installed using a two-part epoxy system. It includes the polymer resin and hardener that bond with the concrete surface. This chemical bonding would make the floor durable and resistant to degradation. This enhances the longevity of the flooring. You might be aware that epoxy flooring refers to those that are 2mm thick. However, there are different types of epoxy flooring. Learn more about them and where to use them effectively at https://pbspainting,com
Self- leveling epoxy floors
This refers to the epoxy that is used on concrete floors. It is installed to create a smooth, durable, and leveled structure. You can get a shiny, seamless look by applying this type of epoxy. It is great for new flooring. However, it is equally effective for old, damaged, or cracked concrete floors. The epoxy can be used to repair it. You can access self-leveling epoxy coatings that are appeali
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