About ICE604
ICE604 Hockey League - Vision & Mission Statement
Our vision and mission statement is to provide a safe beginner/intermediate recreational level hockey for everyone. We want to become a reputable ice hockey community and a league that provides a sense of safe hockey for all genders and ages.
Most playing time 15-15-15 Stop Time Periods
2 refs and scorekeepers (We hold ourselves accountable to having 2 referees at all times as well as a scorekeeper. If one referee is missing or scorekeeper fails to show up, both teams will be receiving a case of beer for next game.)
League manager presence
CARHA sports insurance that covers players' medical cost
Tiered Divisions to ensure competitive games with league analysts
Real time stats/same day updates
Media includes: Photo gallery of every team, power rankings, playoff predictions
Best of Three Playoffs
Championship Medals provided along side a take home nice stanley-cup customized trophy with ICE604's logo and roster engraved.
Affordable hockey fees for all who want to play.