
Tilbury Arena Claim Listing

About Tilbury Arena

The Tilbury Memorial Arena is a 3.6 million dollar complex that was constructed in 1992 and features a 908 seating capacity and 200 person standing area. The Tilbury Memorial Arena boasts a 200' x 85' NHL ice surface for seasonal activities that include ice hockey, figure skating, adult activities and special events between September and March. The facility offers six large dressing rooms, a canteen area and access to skate sharpening. Tilbury Memorial Arena also hosts various special events and family functions within it's Ryder Hall complex. During the summer months (April-August) the facility is used for community functions with a standing room capacity of 1500 people. Over this time period, the arena can also be used for floor hockey, lacrosse, and other indoor activities. Please call 519-360-1998 for booking information.



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