Help ID: 9

Help with my compromised account

If your account has been compromised but you're still able to login, or are still logged in, this page will help you secure your account and stop unwanted behaviour.

Has my account been compromised?

  • You notice unexpected posts or your posts being deleted
  • You notice unintended messages, friend requests, strange notifications
  • Received a notification from us that your account may have been compromised
  • Received a notification that your password has been changed, and you didn't authorize it
  • Noticed your password is no longer working and you are being prompted to reset it

Step 1. Change your password

If you're able to, change your password as soon as you can to prevent further unauthorized action. You can change your password if you're logged out by clicking on Forgot Password link on the login page, or from your account preferences page if you are logged in.